BiblioPRO International is a virtual platform of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) in different languages.
Among other specific and generic PRO instruments, we include the widely used SF-36 Health Surveys. BiblioPRO has an agreement with Optum Insight to distribute licenses for their questionnaires in Europe and Latin-speaking countries. We are the European and Latin America official Optum Insight reseller.
We are also specialized in PROs developed in Spanish with versions to be use world-wide (such as the Test Adherence to Inhalers or Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire).
BiblioPRO's vision is to become an international scientific reference platform for the distribution of PRO instruments.
Our Mission is to promote the measurement of PROs in research, clinical practice and health management, through the distribution of these instruments and the provision of specialized training.
What are the PROs?
The definition of health-related quality of life (HRQL) and associated concepts, such as functional status or perceived health, is far from being resolved. The umbrella term Patient Reported Outcome was designed to solve disagreements among them. "A PRO is any report of the status of a patient's health condition that comes directly from the patient, without interpretation of the patient's response by a clinician or anyone else." (FDA, 2009)
BiblioPRO International is the official distributor of SF surveys and other QualityMetric questionnaires as well as other widely used PROs, and aspires to be a well-known distributor of PROs in many countries.
We also manage the Spanish BiblioPRO which aim is to be the official and main distributor of Patient-Reported Outcomes licenses in Spanish for Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.
The original Spanish BiblioPRO was initially designed by investigators at the IMIM-Hospital del Mar Research Institute, as a facility for responding to the increased demand of information about PRO instruments. It was in 2007 when the library was established for the first time in the context of a research network in public health (CIBERESP):
The specific objectives of the Spanish library are: to identify all the PRO measures in Spanish; to gather and make public available the maximum number of PRO instruments in a free access virtual library, allowing for the selection of the most adequate instrument; and to facilitate the respect to copyright and all other legal requirements for a correct access and use of PROs in Spanish. A multidisciplinary team of investigators in different Spanish and international institutions form a Scientific Committee who oversees making all relevant scientific decisions.